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    Front page slider no longer scales properly since update. The bottom of the image gets cropped as you widen your window. I’ve posted about this a few days ago. Should I choose a different image (these are currently at your specified recommended size) or is there a fix?



    @vapvarun the site is http://www.apexacademyonline.com/ if you could take a look. Any reply is appreciated.



    Hi @apextraining, I have notified the issue to developer we will provide the solution shortly
    Varun Dubey



    Hi @apextraining
    we have made some edits inside content-sliders.php
    i have attached file just extract it and drop inside the child theme
    Following modification had been made there

    <script type="text/javascript">
    	    jQuery( document ).ready( function () {
    	        var $slider = $( '.bb-slider-wrapper' );
    	        $slider.slick( {
    	            dots: false,
    	            infinite: true,
    	            prevArrow: '<a class="slidePrev"></a>',
    	            nextArrow: '<a class="slideNext"></a>',
    	            speed: 500,
    	            fade: true,
    	            adaptiveHeight: true,
    	            autoplay: true,
    	            autoplaySpeed: 4500,
    	            cssEase: 'linear'
    	        } );
    	        $( '#left-menu-toggle' ).on( 'click', function () {
    	            setTimeout( function () {
    	                $slider.slick( 'setPosition' );
    	            }, 600 );
    	            setTimeout( function () {
    	                $slider.slick( 'slickNext' );
    	            }, 1800 );
    	        } );
    	    } );

    Varun Dubey


    I just dropped it in my child theme and is still not working 🙁 http://www.mypetfamilytree.com/
    Please help


    @vapvarun @ggoaga The child theme social learner doesn’t have that file. I dropped it there just to check and no change in the sliders. I replaced the file in the parent theme boss and it also had no affect.



    I have also an issue with the slider after updating to BOSS 2.0.
    It is not loading any of the saved sliders.
    I already installed the soluation you posted on November 12, 2015 at 6:11 am but nothing changed.

    Anyhting else I can do?




    Hi @rene-streber @apextraining @ggoaga, we are pushing update today it will fix image auto crop issue
    Varun Dubey

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