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    They are not just words. The theme options in Boss theme do work. We have over 20 people in our staff and all have been testing it for weeks. Many customers have updated and it works for them. Our framework for theme options is Redux which is hugely popular in the WordPress world, we did not make it up from nothing. It’s well tested and used on many of the most popular themes. https://reduxframework.com/

    That said, I do not doubt that it is not working for you, but perhaps your database is corrupted for some other reason. These other issues you are experiencing are unrelated to the theme – user registration, spam – these issues cannot be traced to a theme. Something may be wrong with your setup, most likely database issues. If you switch to another theme on the same site I am certain you will experience those same issues, as Boss theme does not change how any of that works.

    As for your reply to mth75, He is a customer volunteering his time to help you out, just to be nice. Please be polite. There is no reason to lash out at people trying to help you.




    @jomik12 We are troubleshooting. Did you take a look at CleanTalk? I use this anti-spam plugin and it works great for me. And second, can a new user register without ending up back on the registration page when you disable your anti-spam plugin? Troubleshooting and isolating the problem …


    @michael Thx for you explanation Michael, we talked about this before (growing pains remember), I just notice, and I’m very sorry to say this, that the direct communication is almost none existent and replies often take a long time (and solutions, if any, even longer). The feeling that Buddy(Boss) gets better when a user puts effort in it, gives feedback etc is almost gone.

    I selected BuddyBoss for being actively developed, 1 year later BuddyBoss seems to be obsolete.

    I hope you take this to heart. I understand you run a company, I also do, but please keep listening to your theme customers, in my opinion, they have the best ideas and want Buddy(Boss) to be the best, maintained, developed, modern and integrated WP theme and set of plugins.

    Best and have fun in Asia,

    From the Netherlands, Marc




    Thanks for your feedback.

    BuddyBoss theme is not obsolete, but yes, it does not get updated as often as Boss theme. Boss theme is significantly more popular and so it receives more of the attention. We do plan to return to BuddyBoss theme and improve it further.

    Thanks again,


    @michael Thank you.

    Some ideas, backport Redux (including the font icons options (css fields) etc. Integrate and integrate, auto load of a next recordset when in Swipe gallery view, the lightbox functionality (which is being worked on I understand from Varun (great guy btw)), make it possible to enter multiple search criteria for the search plugin, some kind of tiles option for the blog page, style the comments section accordingly to the activity (Wall), make activity posts lockable, create a merge function etc etc … the finishing touches to be the best on the market!

    And last but not least, enforce testing procedures before releasing updates.




    Yes, I have tried CleanTalk. People can register when no anti-spam is active. Any kind of anti-spam I try to use for the BP sign up page renders it dysfunctional. No anti-spam, and it functions fine, but then I get multitudes of spam registrations.



    You mentioned a while ago about database issues. I activated an DB cleaner and optimize plugin and ran it. Had tons of crap in my database, ran a clean and optimization, and now many dysfunctions are now functioning. Thank you for the guidance. And my apologies for my harshness. I have just done a backup, and I’m now going to run the 2.0 update again and see how things work.

    And thanks for the anti-spam suggestions. But it appears my registration issues have been resolved with the DB optimization and cleaning as well.

    Learn something new every day.




    Good to hear!

    No problem, I understand how frustrating it can be when things are going wrong. I am happy to hear that it’s working now, at least so far 🙂



    @michael The update to 2.0 now seems to work, changes in the settings now save. But the home page slider doesn’t automatically slide anymore. Was that intended? Why not give the option?



    @jomik12 That is a known issue, we’re adding an option to enable auto-slide in the next update. Expect a release in coming days.


    Many thanks!



    I will close this topic now.




    Replying to your suggestions.

    Redux – yes we plan to bring this to BuddyBoss theme at some point

    Media lightbox – noted. Glad you like Varun, he is great 🙂 You’ll be happy to hear we are adding bbPress support to Media very soon, with lightbox there. Working internally just polishing it up.

    We do test constantly! But, BuddyPress has so many variables and 3rd party plugins, it’s hard to be 100%. We are working to automate more of our testing, and also our lead tester is now full time as of about a week ago, which should help a lot.


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