BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Solutions Social Learner The WordPress dash board is not showing for non-admin users.

  • This topic has 5 replies, 2 contibutors, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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    I have WP 4.4.2. installed, the latest Buddy Boss installed, and the latest Social Learner is installed too. Additionally, I have activated “My Profile” menu and Dashboard Links (see attached).

    I have plugins (Frontend Course Creation & WooCommerce Vendor) that are supposed to allow non-admin user’s limited access to the Dash Board.

    I read a thread on this site that requires PHP 5.6.17 and MySQL version 5.6.28 to be installed. My versions were less, so I updated. However the issue is still there where the user cannot see or use the Dash Board. What else can I look at? I have attached two screen captures to help you.

    TIA –





    Hi @stingray309, These settings enables for admin not for subscriber role. I will discuss about it with developers to create a custom option to enable it for subscriber also.



    That would be awesome!

    Can you double check to be sure the two plugins I mentioned ((Frontend Course Creation & WooCommerce Vendor) do in fact need to the dashboard to operate? I’d hate for you to code the feature and that wasn’t the issue or the fix.

    Also…I see you’re now selling a BuddyPress User Blog plugin. Isn’t that like the Wall plugin? I have the Wall. If there is a difference…are they compatible?




    Hi @stingray309, User Blog plugin give your users the ability to blog from front-end..it is quite different with Wall plugin.

    It gives members the ability to create blog posts, and manage their own blog like they can add categories, tags, and a featured image from front-end.

    Please check it here : https://www.buddyboss.com/product/buddypress-user-blog/



    Looks like a winner (so yes, I bought a copy). 🙂

    In the tutorial the “Create New Post Page” & “Bookmarks Page” was already created. Can you give an example of what is the best style to use before I make this option available?




    Hi @stingray309, You can design it according to your requirements at present the page is coming without buddypanel and sidebar..you can select it in default page template to show it like other pages (see the screenshot)


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