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    I found an answer on the forum (how to change the color of the titlebar sub-menus)… but I would like to have another precision :
    I would like make those subtitles change color upon mouse over and selection…
    for example, change from black to red
    Don’t know how to edit the custom CSS for that modification
    Can you help ?
    Thank you



    Any suggestion about changing the color of the subtitles (on mouse over and selection)?



    Hi @france, Please add this custom css code in your child theme’s custom css option:

    subtitles change color upon mouse over
    .header-navigation ul li a:hover {
        color: #4dcadd;   /change the color code with your own color/
    subtitles change color upon selection
    .header-navigation ul li.current-menu-item>a, .header-navigation ul li.current-page-item>a {
        color: #4dcadd;   /change the color code with your own color/



    thank you Pallavi,

    but it does not seam to be working,
    did I do something wrong ?
    Here is what I added :
    .header-navigation ul li a:hover {
    color: #d82520;

    .header-navigation ul li.current-menu-item>a, .header-navigation ul li.current-page-item>a {
    color: #d82520;

    you can see result at : http://www.societev.com


    Following my latest reply on this question, I have another question,
    Do you think it would be possible to have the title bar sub-menu looking like the sub-menu under the bell_notifications (white on grey background box, with red upon hover and selection) ?
    This would make all of the site more coherent with your great looking theme 🙂

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