• This topic has 5 replies, 2 contibutors, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • Question


    I’m setting up a community website “Abuse Survivors Unite” dot com. I have two Membership types using the member-types plugin. My question is; Is it possible to have each member type automatically post user blog posts into a separate blog section (survivor blog, professional blog) instead of posting to the main blog (Homepage)? Also, can we style the boxes the posts are written in? They seem to light. Thank You




    Hi @lindao,

    Force Category selection and integration with member-type plugin is not added yet.
    I will keep it inside our suggestion list for our future updates.
    Specific custom css can be added easily. Please attach a screenshot and mark those element which need color changes , I will suggest your corresponding custom css



    Thank You. I would like to give users the ability to create blog posts, but keep the posts listed on their own blog section in the account area. If possible, have the ability to include them on the main blog from WordPress Admin. I recently created Categories and see that users can post to a specific category on the main blog. That’s good.

    I have three screenshots with various CSS changes. If you could point me in the right direction it will save a great deal of time. The 1st is the “tan color” in the Forum area. The second is in the “Add New Post” area. Add a border or change the background color it’s difficult to see where to begin writing. The 3rd is in the Profile area. Change the light blue background and text color.

    Thanks again, Linda



    Hi @lindao, please post a new topic for custom css suggestion inside Boss forums,

    Boss. theme

    above screenshot are not related use user blog plugin issue. Please create a new topic for it and Pallavi will provide you corresponding css.


    Will do thank you.



    I will close this topic, If you have any further queries feel free to create new topic
    Varun Dubey

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  • The question ‘User Blog Pages’ is closed to new replies.