BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Solutions Social Learner Users are being assigned to groups automaticly

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    I’m having some wired bug where users are being assigned to groups that doesn’t not exist. I can sen on the activity feed that users are joined the group, but it doesn’t says what group it is just “xx joined the group”. But the weird part is that I have just 2 groups, and one of then are getting all the users on the user count (they aren’t joining the group) but when I refresh the page (Cache clean) they desapear.

    I don’t really know where to look for this bug, but I’m guessing that since my courses doesn’t have groups assinged to it, when the user start taking some course, they automatic join this non existent group… but it’s just a guess!

    Do you know what might be happening?

    Thanks @felipebsb




    Hi @felipesantana,

    Thanks for your input, it seems courses are generating such activities and they are not linked to any group thus they are getting empty group id.

    I have notified developers about it.

    Varun Dubey

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