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    Is user video upload anywhere on the roadmap for Boss?




    @ryanmaler the problem with video is that they are very large and will utilize all of your site bandwidth. Let’s say you have 100 users, each uploads one 100MB video. Each person watches all others video. That is now 1TB of data and who knows how much server resources required for them all the view the videos. Now many shared hosting services have unlimited bandwidth but their ToS refers to small business and normal usage therein. 1TB of data is about right for that description. Now that is only if each user posts 1 video. This is not even close to worse case scenario, this is on the low end of the spectrum. Do a Google search for wordpress video uploads and you’ll find so many sites advising not to upload video to your wordpress sites. But there are some solutions to help like videopress and other video hosting services, but these cost additional money and the question is if there is a demand for a video hosting solution on small sites like the ones we target.

    Needless to say this is not currently something we are looking to integrate and I can only imagine the support issues with server loads if we did. I can’t even begin to imagine how much support rtmedia and BP Activity Plus have for this exact reason.

    Here is one of the Google links I read: https://www.wp101.com/10-reasons-why-you-should-never-host-your-own-videos/



    @tjchester I’ve researched it a little through the WordPress community and everything I heard agrees with what you have said. I now have a better understanding towards the server/hosting end though. The example makes a lot of sense. One would need some kick ass dedicated servers to sustain a long operation with user video uploads as a feature. Thanks for the info.



    Glad to help shine some light on this. 🙂

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