BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Plugins BuddyBoss Wall What's new, wrong name

  • This topic has 5 replies, 2 contibutors, and was last updated 10 years ago by John.
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    Hi there

    Version 1.0.6 BuddyBoss Wall

    When visiting the wall within a group, rather than ask me what’s new it uses the name of the last active friend (or group member). It didn’t do this prior to the last update. Any ideas?

    The other plugin I use just for info is:
    BuddyBoss Media Photo Uploading
    Version 1.0.5
    And the theme is BuddyBoss 4.0.7 (a child theme)




    @maxtorps I am unable to replicate these results. Do you have any group widgets active?


    Ok a bit of a blast from the past here but I’m still seeing this issue. However, it seems to be under defined conditions.

    I’ve given you access to the site again, this is another staging version so feel free to mess about/break.


    If you go in as me for example, then go in to your own wall (as me) http://staging1.starfleetcomms.com/members/max-torps/ – the What’s new message says “What’s new, clavestone?” It’s the first person in the friend list further down on the right.

    Go on as starfleetcomms and repeat the process, you’ll get noise appearing. The first person in the list again.



    @maxtorps I’m still unable to replicate this on your site, see attached image


    Hi @tjchester

    Thanks for checking. It’s incredibly frustrating as I was witnessing this all of the time up until I just tried again now and of course it’s started to work properly. On saying that though, the group widget now reflects me as being last logged in not the other person. You mentioned the group widgets earlier – is there something I need to watch out for there?


    I think I have made some headway. It looks like it could be related to the Activity Plus plugin – take a look at the screenshots on my production site – that’s with that plugin active…

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