BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Plugins BuddyBoss Media Why are images rotating?

  • This topic has 25 replies, 6 contibutors, and was last updated 9 years ago by Alyssa.
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  • Question


    We are experiencing the same issue. Our RAM is at 256MB right now but we are working to increase it (something on our site might be limiting it, we don’t know yet)

    We do have the ‘mobile rotation fix’ option enabled as well. Can we send you our login information for a fix?



    We are on 4.2.9 buddyboss, the very latest version. Checked all plugins individually and couldn’t find the culprit.

    We also have the check mark for mobile rotating.. it’s a IOS only issue and it depends on how their screen is rotated when the picture was taken.


    Our ram is 512 across the board. WordPress also on latest version.



    Hi @george123, I have already provided your login detail to developers to check this issue at your site.
    I will update your after their response



    Hi @foodiechats
    Please send your login details from our contact page we will check at your site, Please include this topic url for reference.
    It is recommended to keep memory 512MB to utilize Image Rotation feature





    Hi @george123, Developers have checked at your site and it seems working fine at your website



    It depends on how people are taking the picture. Did they test horizontal and vertical holding iphone positions? It’s only for when the phone is turned a specific way.




    Plugin is reading the EXIF info of the image and on the basis of rotation will be performed.

    We have tested with iphone in both landscape mode (with the iPhone held horizontally) and in portrait mode (the iPhone held vertically).




    @george123 our developers have logged into your site and found the iphone rotation issue no longer exists. Can you verify? Please make sure to mention me so I know to check back. Thanks!

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