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    I only use the Widget to activate Sidebar.
    But in the page Member the sidebar start under the Title and in the page activity the sidebar start near the title ?
    I have check that for all the page, i don’t use a page with right sidebar.

    Please i want for all the page the sidebar under the title.

    Thanks a lot for your help




    Hi @virginiofanelli

    Copy boss\buddypress-sidewide.php and boss\buddypress\members\index.php to child theme same path

    You can cut following codes from boss-child\buddypress-sidewide.php

    <?php if(bp_is_current_component( 'members' ) && !bp_is_user()): ?>
    <div class="dir-page-entry">
        <div class="inner-padding">
            <header class="members-header page-header">
                <h1 class="entry-title main-title"><?php buddyboss_page_title(); ?></h1>
            </header><!-- .page-header -->
            <?php do_action( 'bp_before_directory_members_content' ); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    and paste it inside bosschild\buddypress\members\index.php after 3rd line

    <div id="buddypress"></div>

    I hope it will be clear to you.

    Varun Dubey


    It’s really clear but doesn’t work.
    And in the file bosschild\buddypress\members\index.php there is a div bussypress with lot of div inside !!! Please look the copyscreen.



    you can added those codes at line 4
    Varun Dubey


    ok done but i think you don’t understand because this made the opposite of that i want.
    So please look on the site there : it’s a test site.
    login as andre pass : 1234567890
    So if you go on the members page, the title of the page is full on the page.
    If you go in the activity page the title is stop by the sidebar.
    So i want all my page like the member page !
    Is it possible ?



    Hi @virginiofanelli, It will need to modify all BuddyPress specific template files just like we have added for Members
    and if you need to apply the same for the Single pages and post
    You will also need to modify the single.php and page.php
    Varun Dubey


    Heu sorry can you explain, i don’t understand what you tell me because i haven’t modify the single.php or the page.php or the activity.php well if it exist.
    Can you tell me why they are different and is it normal ?




    You can include follow codes top of the index pages of the BuddyPress component

    Like for activity page i had modified it following

    <div class="dir-page-entry">
        <div class="inner-padding">
            <header class="members-header page-header">
                <h1 class="entry-title main-title"><?php buddyboss_page_title(); ?></h1>
            </header><!-- .page-header -->
            <?php do_action( 'bp_before_directory_members_content' ); ?>
    <?php do_action( 'bp_before_directory_activity' ); ?>
    <div id="buddypress">

    If you can specify all specific pages i can provide you corresponding code modification .


    I have add the code on the page \buddypress\activity\index.php but doesn’t work.
    Please go on the site and look the result !
    This is not good and not the same as the page Members !



    Hi @virginiofanelli, It will be better send me admin login details from our contact page
    I will add those edits
    at present on the activity index second title is displaying which need to be removed just like i have removed from attached screenshot
    Varun Dubey

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