BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums General BuddyPress (general issues) Featured Images are missing on frontpage

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    Hi guys.

    My featured images are not loading on the frontpage.
    They seem to load OK on singles tough. I tried to regenerate them but I’m getting “missing images” messages.
    I would also like to find a grid/massonry solution for the frontpage but all 3rd party plugins I’ve tried are not compatible 🙁

    Anyway, I’m attaching screenshots.

    01. frontpage
    02. single page
    03. missing messages

    Please could you check it out?

    My staging site is here:


    And if you need a login:


    Thank you




    Hi @wbrenner, Sorry for delayed response

    i have checked your site , seems you have changed your theme.
    Let me know you still need help on this

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