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    Hey all,

    I am having an issue that I cannot resolve on my own. I have setup the boss theme and happy with everything apart from the fact that the members page shows all active members for ALL membership levels.

    eg. I have two main membership levels:

    1. Product access (which is delivered on the same domain but not via the boss theme / buddypress).
    2. Membership access (which is delivered via boss theme / buddypress).

    I use Optimizemember to protect all pages so the people who have purchased level 1 cannot access the level 2 membership – however, members with level 2 access can still see people who have logged into the level 1 access showing up on the members list in the membership area.

    How can I stop them from showing up unless members have level 2 access? It is confusing for other members to know who to friend and who is not actually in the membership area.

    Many thanks in anticipation.

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