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    as you can see with the screenshots, the elements in the navitems that have no links in them become… clumzy… the css guy will know what to do with these…

    without a fix, we can’t see MyCRED stuff.




    Hi @jeanpierre, Please add this css to make the points visible.

    #wp-admin-bar-mycred-account.menupop {
    color: #000 !important;
        font-size: 14px;



    it’s not the point @pallavi… it’s the whole missing values that are to be corrected. it’s not only MyCred that had the problem, but any plugin adding elements with no link in the adminbar… this has to be fixed.



    Hi @jeanpierre
    I noticed it, we will check it with developers.
    Thanks for your input.

    Varun Dubey

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