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    Hi Buddyboss,

    I’m hoping to use Themekraft’s great plugin “Woocommerce for Buddypress” to integrate users WC data on the BP profile page. Functionally, it works fine. But there are presentation issues in Social Learner.

    Both the “shop” and “downloads” tabs display edge-to-edge with no margins or styling (see screenshot). I’ve tried using the plugin’s page template selector, but it has no effect. I’ve also tried targeting these page elements with CSS, but there appear to be no classes or IDs to hook into…

    I’ve contacted the plugin developer, but I’ve not yet heard back. I know it’s not your product, but Buddyboss does recommend it, and it’s currently running on your own site. Do you guys have any suggestions on how to fix this problem?




    I’ve just heard from the developer, and he’s looking into the problem. I’ll post what happens here.


    Thanks for the update. Info is much appreciated 🙂

    Btw I am curious – how did you manage to hide the tabs (Activity, Forums, Groups, Notifications, etc)?

    Best regards,


    Michael, “Forums” is hidden because I don’t have bbPress active on my site. “Groups” is hidden because I haven’t attached any groups to my courses. “Notifications” and “Activity” are hidden because I’ve deactivated those components in BP settings.

    Social Learner throws a fatal error when “Activity” is disabled. To prevent that, I commented-out line 162 in social-learner/buddypress/members/single/member-header.php


    Cool – thanks for clearing that up. My curiosity has been satisfied 🙂


    Hi folks,

    So I heard back from Themekraft (the developer of WC4BP), and they’ve identified a bug in Social Learner that interferes with their plugin.

    Basically, there’s a repeating ID on the profile page. Profile navigation is wrapped in a div with the ID “item-body”. This div can be found in boss/buddypress/members/single/home.php on line 25.

    Inside this div, however, is another div with the ID “item-body” which contains the content for the profile page. This div can be found in social-learner/item-one-template.php on line 8.

    There shouldn’t be two divs with the same ID on the same page. Further, the ID has the following CSS rule applied to it: #buddypress div#item-body { padding-left: 70px; padding-right: 70px; box-sizing: border-box; padding-bottom: 40px; }, which is getting applied to both instances of the ID, and causing presentation trouble. If I change the first div ID to something else, the page layout problem with WC4BP resolves.

    Themekraft asked me to pass this along to you since they’re keen to have their plugin work well with Buddyboss themes.

    Hope that helps.



    Hi @davejay, Appreciate for your input over it..I have notified to developer to keep it in our future updates.

    For now, you can add those css in your Boss. theme’s custom css option for quick fix.


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