When starting a coaching business or any business, we often emphasize creating content such as blogs to increase traffic.
However, content creation through blogs and videos can be exhausting.
At the same time, one cannot stop making blog content in the name of exhaustion because it means Google’s algorithm will rank other businesses with their updated blog content.
So in this post, we will discuss how to increase blog traffic with little effort without draining yourself.
Important Note on How to Increase Blog Traffic

Before we go further into how you can increase blog traffic with minimal effort please remember that if you are in the beginning stages of your business, then you need to be aggressive with your blogging efforts.
You must publish quality blogs consistently to build a strong domain authority. Domain authority is a search engine ranking score that predicts how likely a website is to rank in search engine result pages.
A website generally gains strong domain authority when a website has several blogs in a certain niche. So try to first have several blogs published with keywords that target your niche field. That way, the search engines will know your business and direct your blog content to the right audience.
For example, Brian Dean an expert content strategist and entrepreneur does not often update his content as he is already well known in the industry. But there was once a time when uploaded videos and blogs regularly.

He now uploads only 1-2 videos a month on his YouTube channel while focusing on his other business activities. Sometimes he uploads videos after 3 months and still gains traffic on his website.
But at the same time, you also cannot completely stop blogging as it will mean other businesses will eventually outrank you. So always check your blog rankings and update with new content to let the search engines know that your blogs are updated regularly.
Now let’s look at how you can increase your blog traffic.
How to Increase Blog Traffic

1. Blog Smartly
When writing blogs focus on providing value to the reader.
Your blog may not be fully read but if you draft blogs with quality information, you get advantages.
The first is it will help you rank on Google. Google today can quickly judge the quality of written content. The more information you provide the better your chances of ranking. Remember, the quality has to be in combination with the use of your keywords.
But you don’t always have to focus on the content directly focused on your niche, rather supporting content that your customers may find helpful (but not directly connected to your niche) can do wonders.
For example, the famous Elementor plugin publishes blogs on how to create websites for various purposes using their product. To those who do not know what is Elementor plugin, it is a very popular and famous plugin for designing websites without coding at all. You drag and drop widgets and elements to build your website.
Look at the image below of the blog section of the Elementor plugin. They have solid blog content for at least 6 different categories: Design, Development, Business, Development, Hosting and Marketing.

This means they do not just rank for web design but also for other related categories. These blogs are not just how-to-tutorials, these are blog content that shares tips, tricks, hacks, templates, and design ideas by using the endless features of the Elementor plugin.
2. Optimize your SEO for Ranking
If you already have around 40-50 blogs or even around 30 blogs, then you can take a short break from writing to only focus on boosting your SEO efforts for your blogs.
What I mean by this is to check the ranking of your blogs.
Many old blogs eventually become outranked by newer blogs over time. This may be a sign that you need to add more information, update content, or even add additional keywords.
You can make your text-based content more appealing by adding impressive information such as facts, recent statistics, a short story relevant to your blog’s content, or a research result to validate your view.
While reading your blogs, be sure to take a look at the tone of your blog. Always keep the tone of your blog conversational. Conversational blogs always have the highest ranking.
You can consider upgrading your content by adding images, infographics, coupon codes, and links to other blogs on your site. Also when using images, always make sure to add the keywords to your images as well.
Don’t forget to set the structure of your blog content. You want to make it visually appealing to read. Start a new paragraph if your sentences cross 3-4 lines.
Another factor is to create links to other blogs on your website. This is called inbound links. Sometimes there are other topics that you already covered in a separate blog. So be sure to link each blog to each other where relevant.
Videos today are a lifeline for a blog to rank. We will talk more about videos in our next point.
3. Create Videos to Rank your Blogs
With enough blogs already published, you can also focus on repurposing your content and making videos related to your niche.
Videos today bring heavier traffic than blogs. But if you combine that with your published blogs, then your website will attract more traffic than before.
As a video creator and editor myself, I can understand the challenge one might feel when it comes to creating videos. A 5 min video on average can take up to 2 hours for a person to single-handedly create.
But the good news is, the audience today is impatient so you do not need to create a 5-minute-long video to gain more traffic. You can create shorter videos that are only a minute long.
Platforms such as TikTok gained popularity for this very reason.
Creating shorter videos is also beginner-friendly. You can start with TikTok as a warmup.
Users who are interested in your videos will click the link to your blog for more information.
This is how videos on YouTube, TikTok and other social channels supports your blogs and bring more traffic to your website.
4. Utlizise Social Media
Another way to effortlessly get traffic to your blogs is to share your published blog on Social Media. The trick is to first know the time when most of your audience is online to check their social media. Most businesses use Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, Pinterest, and Linked In. You do not need to choose all of these platforms to share your blog posts. Choose the one that is relevant to your niche.
If you have many blogs that are already published then simply schedule them with a short but catchy caption. Schedule several blogs for a month or week so that you can move on to other tasks.
This will raise your chances for not only traffic but also for ranking on the search engines.
5. Have your Own Community
Another efficient method to gain traffic with less effort is to have your own membership community. Businesses that do not have their own membership community rely on Google and social media for blogs to gain traffic.  However, those who maintain their own membership community have bigger chances for traffic to their blogs without relying on search engine or social media.
With your own community, you can relax your efforts occasionally without the pressure to create new blog content.
The International Institute of Business Analysis(IIBA) is a professional association for supporting business analysis professionals to deliver better business outcomes. This organization has been maintaining its own membership for more than 10 years.

They mostly publish books, newsletters, and blogs.Â
Anything that is published is first shared within the community and gets the first traction even before Google ranks the blog,
As you can see, this organization’s membership community brings quality traffic just from its members alone. Not updating the blogs for a while will not harm as there is so much to gain from the members.
Tips on How to Increase Blog Traffic

1. Delegate or Automate!
Social media experts such as Neil Patel do have blogs on their website. The website is always updated with newer blogs and the blogs are all written in Patel’s name. But he also publishes videos at the same time.

How is he able to write blogs and do videos at the same time?
I remember watching one of his videos where he admitted that he spends most of his time on videos.
He delegates his writing tasks to other authors who are employed in his team. This is also true for his videos. A separate team is in charge of editing and publishing the videos.
So if you are looking to get more traffic with less effort but with quality content, consider delegating your blogging tasks to a freelance writer. The same goes for videos as well.
Use any tools out there to automate your tasks. Today there are almost any tools or features for automating tasks. For example, for social media posting you can schedule many of your blog posts for the future.
If your business requires you to be active in posting content on social media then you can also hire a freelancer to work posting content on social media.
For videos, consider using AI video editing tools and video assets to quickly create videos in a short amount of time.
Popular tools such as Canva’s Video AI Generator, Colossyan AI, and Synthesia.io can help you create videos faster than when it comes to creating videos from scratch.
2. Interact with your Own Community
Previously, we mentioned the importance of having your own community. But having a community is not enough. You must interact and build a relationship with members of your community. Members who join will leave if there are no updates or any interesting content to learn from.
If you are in a coaching business or are looking to sell any products, then post them in your business community. You can post about your business’s campaigns, awareness, discounts, or special offers.
In addition, simply posting your blogs or videos may make your members bored. You need to be lively with them.
You can post memes, jokes, and images, along with the link to your blog for further insights.
This strategy is a popular way to keep members of an audience interested in staying within a business’s community.
As your community grows greater, you will eventually be required to delegate authority to manage your members. The IIBA organization has a whole team to work with its members. For example, if you send an email to them for any queries, they are answered within a few days.
A Successful Example of a Community with Returning Traffic
The Society for Technical Communication (STC) is a community connecting tech industry people to develop written content. The community is open to non-members who want to access the free resources and other learning resources.

There is a yearly subscription fee which will allow a subscriber to purchase additional educational resources at an affordable price.
One would expect such a platform to have a YouTube channel with tons of videos. However, the organization surprisingly does not have an updated YouTube channel. This is because the community is so enormous that all the content marketing and activities reap the profits that are enough for the community. The community is very active with webinars, courses, newsletters, research, and paid courses that are recognized in the US.
Although the STC membership is open to non-members, most followers mostly end up becoming members to take advantage of the lower prices available as a members. Organizers who are well-known in the community often publish video content that is only for members or paid users.
There is also blog content on the website that is written by members. However, the organization also does not shy away from non-members as they are also allowed to publish blogs on their site.
STC’s membership is a fine example of publishing quality content with little need to worry about new traffic. The quality of the educational content provided to members is so good that users end up recommending other people to be a members of the community.
How to Start your Membership community For Blog Traffic?
It is very easy to start your own membership community.
Facebook also has its own system to start a group but the problem is that you will not OWN this community and the features are limited to manage members of your community. You also risk the chance of Facebook deleting your community if anyone falsely reports your community to Facebook. The worst and most common problem is when your Facebook profile is hacked and you lose all your valuable members along with the links to your blogs.
To avoid such a scenario, it is better to own your own membership community. The BuddyBoss community is a popular option for your business as it allows you to organize your members, create sub-groups, share blogs or any content topic, and have discussions with your members.
You can also delegate authority to your business employee to manage your member’s interaction. If you have someone responsible for sharing all your blog content then you can give authority to such a person to share your blog content as described previously.

If you’re still not sure then why not try the live Demo? Feel free to explore the demo version of the site to decide whether you want to start your community to receive relevant traffic.
FAQ on How to Increase Blog Traffic

How many blog posts per week to get traffic?
You can do 2 blog posts per week. Monthly, you can try to aim for 8 posts per month. But make sure the blog posts are of high quality and provide valuable insight into your niche topic.
Why is my blog not getting traffic?
There could be various factors involved. It could be because your blogs are not of any value. Google can judge this aspect very well. You will know this when other blogs are outranking yours.
You also need to focus on creating other content such as videos and sharing your blog content to your membership community as explained above.
If you are constant with your blogging efforts then do not feel worried about traffic in the long run. Traffic in-flow is never constant. Sometimes it is high and sometimes it will be low.
But if a membership community is maintained, then you can expect better traffic as your followers are ready to read your blogs.
How to Increase Blog Traffic with an Online Course?
One way to bring traffic courses for a course-based business is to create blog posts with the right keyword relevant to your course topic. Make the blog interesting to read but do not give away the whole information. Then near the end of the blog, you can recommend the reader to buy the course if they want to learn more.
You can do the same thing for videos. Some instructors even publish free courses but persuade viewers to visit their website for more exclusive courses.
This way you can bring traffic to your website with courses. If you are looking to create courses then you can have a look at this post on What Is The Best Way To Outline Your Online Course
How to increase blog traffic for WordPress?
The rules for getting traffic to your WordPress blog posts are to follow the same rules as described above. But if you are having trouble staying on track to follow all the basic SEO rules then you can use the Rank Math plugin or the Yoast plugin to help you complete a proper blog with the basic SEO rules such as using a keyword a few more times or adding the keyword to the blog title etc.
But once you get used to the SEO process for the blogs, you will not need to use these plugins.
Less content does not mean you can relax in your efforts to create blog content. But if you do feel exhausted from creating content, please take a break. Go outside, take a snooze, talk to people, or look at the open sky.
When you get back, do not straight away start churning out content. You can try other activities that bring traffic.
How about adding new keywords to your new blog or an existing blog? Or delegating your content creation task?
If you’re looking for some quick results, then you can share published blogs or courses with your membership community. If you have a large community then your strategic efforts may result in additional traffic or even more sales.
In the long run, it will be more efficient to maintain your membership community. If you maintain the community the right way then sharing a blog post will result in a large flow of traffic from your community-not just from Google.
So start bridging traffic to your own membership community!