Learn How to Build, Launch & Grow Your Business With Buddyboss
Today is an important day in BuddyBoss’s mission to become a world-leading authority in Online Course, Community, Membership and WordPress Publishing education!
Going beyond building world-leading products, to empowering leaders like you to reach new heights with your online businesses through strategic and tactical learning and growth!
We crossed an important first milestone on our new Content Marketing journey…
We just launched the all-new, redesigned, BuddyBoss Blog!
We will be iterating on this new design a lot over the coming weeks as we start pouring new content into it but I want to outline what phase 1 looks like as well as some of the improvements to you, to give you a sense of where we’re headed!
New Blog Design
The first thing you will notice is the beautiful new overall design concept.
(Thanks design team!!! ??)
We needed to bring our blog design into alignment with the new marketing website redesign that we worked so hard on last year! So we redesigned it to make it more appealing to readers, feel more modern and contemporary, make it easier to see what content relates to what through the visual and UI elements including color coded featured images.
As we add more and more content within specific categories over the coming months it will become increasingly clear when you are within a topic by the themed elements shared across related content. This should help you quickly identify if content is relevant to you right now.
New Content Types
We have added new content types to the blog beyond “articles” which, to start with, includes Templates, Tools and Workshops. You won’t see a lot in there right now but this should give you an idea of what’s to come over the next few months as we get ready for 2023.
New Information Architecture
The biggest change of all, which is also the least apparent from first look, is that we have completely restructured the way the content on the blog will be structured from now on, and we have begun to recategorise every single one of the blog posts that were on the blog before so they don’t get lost. The new information architecture is designed to get you to content that is valuable to you in as few clicks as possible and surround that content with other highly related content, instead of just showing everything in chronological order like a classic blog feed. So far we have created 3 main educational topics – Online Courses, Online Communities and Membership Sites and after selecting which of those is most relevant to you we have created a series of sub topics surrounding the most common challenges like “Growing your Online Community” or “Launching your Online Course”.
You won’t see all the topics and subtopics just yet as there aren’t any posts published in many of the key categories but as we publish more and more content. The topics and the structure will start to unfold.
New Launch Content
To go along with this relaunch our brand new content team put together seventeen new blog posts! So that we had some fresh new posts ready to go at launch (as well as to help us flaunt our new categorisation and structure ?) See if you can spot all the new ones you might not have seen yet!
What’s To Come
Right now we wanted to push phase 1 out to you all before the end of the year so we’re going to spend the next few weeks polishing up some of the last little niggles in the UI as well as finish properly recategorizing all of the content that was there before. That’s going to set us up in a big way for an avalanche of incredible new content that we’ve got planned for you in 2023!
We hope you’re excited for what’s to come!
BuddyBoss Content Team!