Done For You Service
App Launch Roadmap PDF

Apple App Store Review Guidelines
Apple Developer Account

Google Play Store Developer Content Policy
Google Developer Account
Knowledge Base
With a dedicated team always producing
documentation for your know how and If you are
looking for some quick answers make sure you
check it out first…
What hosting is compatible with the app?
We recommend VPS or Cloud Hosting. See the requirements here: https://www.buddyboss.com/resources/docs/advanced-setup/server-requirements/
If you need advice, feel free to contact the support team as they are available 24/7.
Is my xyz plugin integrated with the app?
You can check our app integrations here: https://www.buddyboss.com/resources/docs/app/app-integrations/ We plan to add more integrations over time.
If you are not sure about your plugin or need to check if your plugin can be integrated with BuddyBoss App feel free to reach out to us from your customer panel
How do I set up in-app purchases?
Check out Module 4 of onboarding for setting up In-App Purchases.
How do I add or change something in the app layout?
Check out Module 2 to set up Branding and Customization. If you think any feature related to app layout is missing you can check in BuddyBoss Roadmap to see if it’s upcoming (you can also suggest the feature there).
For more customization check out Developer Toolkit.
How do I get my app approved in the app store quickly and easily?
You already have purchased the Publishing service along with this onboarding. We highly recommend that you don’t try to submit the app for publishing by yourself and instead utilize the Publishing service. More about this in Module 3.
Where can I learn more about building my BuddyBoss app?
Here are some useful resounces:
> BuddyBoss Academy
> App Launch Roadmap
> Build Your App In 1hr Video
Who We Are
Meet Graham or Tom (Thomas) who are our frontline
members for the customer success team.

Graham Hoffman
Customer Success & Support Manager

Thomas Jutla
Customer Success Specialist