Natalie Benamou from HerCsuite

Advancing more women in every career phase at 10,000 organizations | Customer Stories

In today’s episode I’m joined by Natalie Benamou from HerCsuite; HerCsuite™️ advances and engages women at every career phase with Turnkey Speaker Events, Leadership Development, DEI Council and Women on Boards Programs.

Natalie tells us about

  • How 29 years of working in events and trade shows felt like a sinking ship at the start of the pandemic, but how that door closing opened the window to her serving her higher purpose.
  • How executive advocates can be the key to unlocking equality for women in the workplace, the C-suite and on boards.
  • How appraising many other platforms showed her that building the community she wanted just wouldn’t be possible without BuddyBoss!



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