BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Themes BuddyBoss theme Buddypress Bulk Notification Error

  • This topic has 22 replies, 5 contibutors, and was last updated 10 years ago by Ben.
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    I’m afraid I can not test this right away — I will have to install a backup of the site on subdomain to test it like that. The site gets a few million pageviews a day so cant really be messed with live. Expect an answer from me on this in a few hours.




    Meh, I’m having trouble installing the backup to a test domain. So I’ll just suffice to say that this is a problem and whatever it is, multiple people here are having it, so it should most likely be fixed. 🙂



    @raytronx thank you for the login credentials here is a quick fix:
    #buddypress table.notifications{float:left;}



    I tried adding:

    #buddypress table.notifications{float:left;}

    and then

    #buddypress table.notifications{float:left !important;}

    Neither had any impact. Added it to the file ./themes/buddyboss-child/style.css at the bottom, after the last */



    @bentasm1 alright, I’ve forwarded the issue to the devs. We’ll see what they can discover after further testing.


    Bump. 😉



    @bentasm1 @tjchester

    This is patched for next release.



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